

Posted on 星期六, 14 2 月, 2009 at 2:58 上午




以弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)为首的货币主义学派,是从不主张通过增加货币量来刺激就业或生产的。货币主义主张货币供应变化量保持稳定,令公众可预测,且不对失业和生产其他因素作相机调整;货币主义同时主张拆除政府管制,增进市场自由,从而在保持总体价格水平稳定的同时,使各生产要素和产品的相对价格自由波动。


引文一来自托宾(James Tobin)。托宾是宏观经济学家,在1981年获得诺贝尔奖。托宾在为《简明经济学百科全书》撰写的“货币政策(monetary policy)”条目中,先声明自己是个与“货币主义”观点向左的“凯恩斯主义者”,然后公正地陈述了“货币主义”的内涵和影响。托宾写道:


Milton Friedman convinced the economics profession in 1968 that if monetary policy persistently attempts to bring unemployment below “the natural rate of unemployment” (the rate corresponding to Keynes’s “full employment”), it will only boost the inflation rate explosively. Friedman’s further conclusion that monetary policy should never concern itself with unemployment, production, or other real variables has been very influential.

引文二来自卡根(Phillip Cagan)。卡根是哥伦比亚大学荣休教授,是“恶性通货膨胀”领域的权威,1940年代毕业于芝加哥大学,弗里德曼是他的博士论文导师。卡根在为《新帕尔格雷夫经济学辞典》撰写的“货币主义(monetarism)”条目中写道:


Friedman as well as Brunner and Meltzer argued that an active monetary policy, in the absence of an impossibly ideal foresight, tends to exacerbate, rather than smooth, economic fluctuations. In their view a stable monetary growth rate would avoid monetary sources of economic disturbances, and could be set to produce an approximately constant price level over the long run. Remaining instabilities in economic activity would be minor and, in any event, were  beyond the capabilities of policy to prevent. A commitment by the monetary authorities to stable monetary growth would also help deflect constant political pressures for short-run monetary stimulus and would remove the uncertainty for investors of the unexpected effects of discretionary monetary policies.

引文三引自舒瓦茨(Anna Schwartz)。舒瓦茨与弗里德曼曾经合著两大卷的 《美国货币史》(Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1961 )。最近《华尔街日报》对舒瓦茨的题为“伯南克在打的是上一场战斗”的访问是这样写的:





Ms. Schwartz thinks that our central bankers and our Treasury Department are getting it wrong again.

“[F]irms that made wrong decisions should fail,” she says bluntly. “You shouldn’t rescue them. And once that’s established as a principle, I think the market recognizes that it makes sense. Everything works much better when wrong decisions are punished and good decisions make you rich.” The trouble is, “that’s not the way the world has been going in recent years.”

In 2002, Mr. Bernanke, then a Federal Reserve Board governor, said in a speech in honor of Mr. Friedman’s 90th birthday, “I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You’re right, we did it. We’re very sorry. But thanks to you, we won’t do it again.”

“This was [his] claim to be worthy of running the Fed,” she says. He was “familiar with history. He knew what had been done.” But perhaps this is actually Mr. Bernanke’s biggest problem. Today’s crisis isn’t a replay of the problem in the 1930s, but our central bankers have responded by using the tools they should have used then. They are fighting the last war. The result, she argues, has been failure. “I don’t see that they’ve achieved what they should have been trying to achieve. So my verdict on this present Fed leadership is that they have not really done their job.”



为了避免误会,我要强调,所谓“自然”失业率,并不是说它是不可变的。相反,很多影响它的高低的市场因素都是“人为的”或是“政策造成的”。例如,在美国的法定最低工资、Walsh-Healy 和 Davis-Bacon 法案、工会的力量等,全都是推高了自然失业率的因素。改善就业流动,提供职位空缺和劳力供给信息等,都能降低自然失业率。我之所以用“自然”二字,是为了把货币因素与上述真实世界的各种因素区分开来。



I have selected two lin1itations of monetary policy to discuss: (1) It cannot peg interest rates for Ignore than very limited periods; (2) It cannot peg the rate of unemployment for more than very lin1ited periods.

To avoid misunderstanding, let me emphasize that by using the term “natural” rate of unemployment, I do not mean to suggest that it is immutable and unchangeable. On the contrary, many of the market characteristics that determine its level are man-made and policy-made. In the United States, for example, legal minimum wage rates, the Walsh-Healy and Davis-Bacon Acts, and the strength of labor unions all make the natural rate of unemployment higher than it would otherwise be. Improvements in employment exchanges, in availability of information about job vacancies and labor supply, and so on, would tend to lower the natural rate of unemployment. I use the term “natural” for the same reason Wicksell did-to try to separate the real forces from monetary forces.

To state this conclusion differently, there is always a ten1porary trade-off between inflation and unemployment; there is 110 permanent trade-off. The temporary trade-off comes not from inflation per se, but from unanticipated inflation, which generally means, from a rising rate of inflation. The widespread belief that there is a permanent trade-off is a sophisticated version of the confusion between “high” and “rising” that we all recognize in simpler forms. A rising rate of inflation may reduce unemployment, a high rate will not.

My own prescription is still that the monetary authority go all the way in avoiding such swings by adopting publicly the policy of achieving a steady rate of growth in a specified monetary total. The precise rate of growth, like the precise monetary total, is less important than the adoption of some stated and known rate. 


  1. 没有未来就不会有财富  
  2. Cagan, Phillip. “Monetarism,” M. M. J. Eatwell and P. Newman, The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics. Palgrave Macmillan, 2000.
  3. James Tobin, “Monetary Policy.” The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. 2008. Library of Economics and Liberty. 14 February 2009. <>.
  4. Friedman, Milton. “The Role of Monetary Policy.” The American Economic Review, 1968, 58(1), pp. 1-17.
  5. Bernanke Is Fighting the Last War, Wall Street Journal, October 18, 2008, at
  6. 张五常,2009年2月,“美国救灾会搞出高通胀吗?”(“有以佛利民为掌门的货币派,主张增加货币量与借贷,从而在制度中加些滑油,使收入与财富上升。”)

